Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday mornings!!

Monday mornings can be difficult for a lot of people. The problem is, not everyone starts off their day like Jonathan. Example: Lounging in his chair, PJ's still on, milk in one hand and Froot-Loops in the other. Watching one of his favorite movies about barnyard animals. Please ignore the dried booger pasted to his forehead from last night, it is too early to fight him while I wipe it off. But, if everyone got up early enough to do this before work, the day would be much better. Take this as a lesson from a 17 month old.

Not my Halloween costume

Yesterday Matt put his t-shirt on Jonathan when he woke up from his nap. When Matt broought him downstairs, I thought he looked like a character from Star Wars. He thought he was something!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Corn Dogs

Who doesn't like corn dogs?

Last night went Matt got home he decided to get Jonathan dressed and take him outside to play. I think Matt just really wanted to make a bon-fire in the backyard. Either way, I had a long day with Jonathan and was looking forward to 15-20 minutes of quiet time. Unfortunately, when they opened the door it was raining :( They both looked pretty sad, but they went out anyway. At least he had on his rain boots!

We went to Concord Mills on Thursday and the nice people at Firehouse Subs gave Jonathan a Fire Cheif hat. He walked around pushing his fire truck with his hat on all over the mall. Of course, I didn't have my camera. We took some pictures went we got home. He loves the hat and he makes a great fire truck sound when he pushes his truck!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Saturday Morning Racing

Jonathan has become facinated with Hot Wheels!! Matt got him a ramp and he loves to put all of the cars in a bucket and send them down the ramp one at a time. He will sit and do it for 30 minutes or so at a time, which is amazing. At least we know that he isn't ADD yet!!

Sonic, mmmm!

We decided to try Sonic Apple Juice Slushies on Friday. Jonathan is cutting his molars and he is a bit cranky to say the least! I think this definately helped!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fun outside!!

Jonathan has really enjoyed being outside the last couple of days with the weather a little cooler. He has helped his Daddy around the yard and played with the dogs. Plus, the boots really make the outfits, everytime!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Dip baby dip!

Jonathan is learning new things every single day. We went out to eat a coupl eof weeks ago and I got a French Dip sandwich. He was facinated with all of the dipping. He HAD to have fries to dip in my sauce. He now wants to dip just about everything. He likes katsup and of course the sauce for the french dip sandwich. I took these pictures this weekend. He had a blast. Oh, the little things!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

35 weeks and counting...

I am just counting the days until we meet our new little man. As of Saturday, I was 35 weeks. Work is getting harder and so is carrying Jonathan around and up and down the stairs. Hopefully it wont be much longer... I am running out of clothes that fit!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

"Me day"!

Today, I had a "me day"!! I haven't really had many since Jonathan was born. I dropped him off at my mother-in-laws house and I went o Matthews for a Nicholas Sparks book signing. I have done this now for 4 years in a row. I love his books and he is so friendly. I also had lunch with a dear friend and finally got to meet her little man. I got a little shopping done (for the children of course) and the day was done. Although they come few and far between, a "me day" is needed and well worth the wait!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Like father, like son

Matt worked really hard on the yard this weekend and Jonathan was feeling better and ready to help. This was too cute, not to share:)