Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 7

Lord, please let this day get better.  Amen.

This day started awful.  I didn't read my bible reading plan last night because I was sick.  I didn't pray this morning.  I still don't have creamer, therefore no coffee.  I have NO patience with my fighting, whining children.  I rushed out the door this morning to walk with a friend and the kids were a nightmare the entire time.  Since I rushed to get out the door, I didn't clean or straighted anything, just changed the kids right in the middle to the living room floor and left.  When I got back to the house the man from the security company was waiting for me (oops, forgot he was coming).  I walked him through my MESSY garage (that is on the To Do List) and into the kitchen.  Somehow, my kitchen looks decent, but not clean.  My house however, looks like homeless people have been living there.  There is two pairs of PJs in the middle of the floor, plus a wadded up wet diaper.  Two whining kids that have flopped in the middle of the floor, near the clothes because they are hot and now fighting over some stupid toy.  the man actually has to find a path and step over my children to get the main panel for the alarm.

EMBARRASSING moment of this challenge.  That is why Jenny says, to not put off the picking up before you leave the house.  I kept apologizing to this man as my kids are screaming for my attention.  I am sure he thinks, "this woman needs help!"  As he left he said, "you look like you have your hands full".  No Sh*t Sherlock!  But that was still not an EXCUSE!  I did attempt to bribe him with cash to go to Walmart and do my grocery shopping, so that I wouldn't have an aneurysm.  He didn't take it. :(

Hence the next bad part of the day...  I was "THAT WOMAN" in the Walmart.  the one that people shake their heads at and think, "that poor woman".  I had two fighting kids in the basket. I threatened out loud, spanked and sternly spoke to both of my children multiple times throughout the torture, I mean shopping experience. 

I did however have an epiphany while I was at Walmart.  They strategically place the alcohol in the back of the store, so that when women who have to shop with their children NEED it by the time they get to the back of the store.  Whoever thought of that, must have small children!  Then, as my kids are "helping" me put the groceries on the check out counter at the store, almost breaking glass jars and throwing the fruit, the checkout lady actually asked me for my ID!  I wanted to turn to her and say, "SERIOUSLY!  Do you actually think I don't deserve this!  Do I look that crazy, that you think I might not be 21?"  It took every little part of my being to speak with GRACE and say, "sure" with a SMILE.

It is only 2:52 and I am ready to wave my white flag...
LORD help me do these things for you.  Help me take a deep breath and not scream.  Help me regain any shade of sanity in my home today.

Day 5 & 6

I don't this is how it is supposed to work.  I am supposed to be journaling every day, not waiting for a non-crazy moment (because they don't exhist).  I guess since I wrote a journal late on Saturday for Friday and then the weekend came, I got back logged, but that is NOT an excuse. 

Well, I guess it is, but I am still working on the excuse thing.  At least now, when I am explaining to Matt, a friend or myself about why something didn't get done, I hear this little voice saying, "that is a direct violation to rule #2".  This is a work in progress.

Day 5 and 6 were crazy, non-normal days.  I have chosen not to develop a strict schedule, but this may have bitten me in the butt.  Saturday was Jonathan's 4th birthday. We already celebrated with a party last weekend, but I still wanted to do something special.  I got up before Matt did so I could get a quiet shower.  they are hard to come by, but it was worth the sacrifice of more sleep to have no one screaming in the background and coming in to tattle tail.  We joined the MOPS group to eat pancakes at Applebee's and then went to the Earth Day celebration at the Schiele Musuem.  My in-laws joined me, since Matt was working.  This was extremely helpful, since my children decided not to listen or behave at the museum.  Matt met up with us for a quick lunch at McDonald's before we were off to meet the "real" Spiderman at the new Toys'R'Us in Gastonia.  Needless to say, I crammed WAY too much into 6 hours.  My kids were exhausted and so was I.  When I came home, it was all I could do not to nap for hours.  Thankfully, the kitchen was still clean from the night before, since we had eaten out for breakfast and lunch.

Sunday morning, I woke up with no motivation.  It was a blah day for me.  The kids were getting on my nerves; fighting and arguing about EVERYTHING.  Thankfully Matt was home to help, but still it was a battle all day.  PLUS, I was OUT of creamer for my coffee and that didn't help.  We finally made it to church and heard a great sermon, which was really uplifting.  But, that was the highlight of the day.  We went straight to a birthday party and it was hot as blazes.  The kids were cranky and tired when we got home and somehow my house looked awful.  I had worked all week last week, making lists of things to clean and organize and was doing such a great job of following all of my rules and then this blah Sunday came and it was out the window.  I fought two sassy children all weekend and they wore me out!

To top it off we went to dinner last night and Matt and I ended up getting sick as dogs!

Needless to say, I didn't read my bible reading plan last night with Matt, I didn't pray with my children and I woke to a difficult day.

Onward March...

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day 4

I know I am a day late, but was exhausted yesterday evening and went to bed at 7:30.  Not like me at all.  Thought I was getting sick, but all is well this morning, THANK the Lord!

I am continuing to attempt to place order within my home.  I still haven't made an official schedule like I said I was going to do.  The only schedule that I stick to pretty regularly is that both boys take their naps daily around 1:30/2pm.  They are great sleepers and they usually sleep about 2-4 hours.  This means my kids stay up later at night.  This works out great for our family, since Matt doesn't usually get home until 6:30/7pm.  I want them to be able to spend as much time with their Daddy as they can. 

Every once and a while we will skip a nap.  Those are usually days with afternoon birthday parties, get togethers with family, etc.  Those are early bedtime days and Mommy and Daddy get some quality time from 7 until we fall asleep.

I am trying to decide if we should schedule play time, TV time, reading time, outside time or just stick to my unofficial scheduling of whatever we do + nap time at 1:30/2pm.  I am pretty strict about nap time and the kids are used to this as part of the plan for the day.

Speaking of plan for the day; the kids do like to know the "Plan for the Day".  This is a rundown of what we will do.  Jonathan likes to know what and when we are doing things throughout the day.  Plus, we usually count down to things like nap time, bath time, time to eat.  that way they understand that a time of transition is coming.

Maybe this is what I will stick to for right now. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 3

So let's start with the fact the the dog slept in the bedroom last night, I didn't!  I was like a new mother with a infant.  I heard every breath, scratch and when he was dreaming and "chasing rabbits" I just about jumped out of the bed thinking he was having another seizure... Needless to say, I am exhausted.

That is not and excuse, just a statement and something that I have overcome today!

I came downstairs to a CLEAN kitchen...AMEN!  Man, that is a great way to start the day.  My kids were happily eating breakfast and just before my husband kissed me to leave for work I decided to feed my pets. I opened the door from the kitchen to the garage and was greeted by a single kidney and intestines.  Clean and just sitting there. Not sure who it belonged to??  No carcass in the garage or anywhere that I could find. I just pleasantly closed the door and told Matt that the cats had a surprise for him :)  I draw the line at picking up animal body parts before I have my coffee!

So today the plan was to take the kids for a picnic in the park.  After of course I showered and cleaned up a little.  Since the meteorologist in Charlotte can't actually predict rain... that didn't happen.  Instead, I decided that we are going to keep ORDER in the house together.  I am going to have my children help me to.  I realize they are only 4 & 2 and I am their mother and cleaning up after them is MY responsibility, but somethings they can pick up too.  When they empty a box of blocks in the middle of the room and quickly move on to the next toy and leave it all there for ME to pick up, NO NO NO!  They can help me pick up.  I am teaching them to do it for Jesus and the future wife that can thank me later :)  (MUCH later, when they are 30)  Plus, without even trying I am proud to anounce that Jonathan loves to help me with the laundry.  So much so that he asks several times every day for the last two weeks.  So today, I started the laundry and said, "do you want to help Mommy with my work?"  And that he did; 3 loads, for Jesus!!

Well, at this point nap time is coming to an end and I am going to work on plans for dinner.  More about the day 3 adventure to come.  Round 2 starts... NOW!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 2

Today was a work day for me.  It started wonderfully because my kitchen was so clean when I woke up.  I was refreshing to not feel like I needed to scrable at 6am and tidy up the kitchen before my mother-in-law came to watch the kids.
THANKS Jenny, great idea!

So since it was a work day, I didn't get home until almost 4pm.  I player with Ethan outside until Jonathan woke up at 5ish.  We enjoyed some time outside just the three of us until I started dinner.  Thanks to Scooby-Do, I was able to make dinner without anyone yelling, fighting or attempting to "help".  Dinner was ready when Matt walked in and the kitchen was still pretty tidy, since I was able to clean as I messed up the kitchen.  Actually, I think that will be an addendum to rule #5 for me.
        5) Go to bed with a clean kitchen
             a) clean while you cook as to not leave a huge mess to clean up after dinner.
             b) long standing...whoever cooks, doesn't clean the table :)

This worked great today.  Everyone was happy.  Dinner was on time and tasted OK.  We ate it.  When I say we I mean I made a dinner that everyone ate the same thing AND they all ate it!  VICTORY!!

I even had the opportunity to share my Challenge with Matt and get some feed back from him before the dog had a SEIZURE!  Literally, the dog had a seizure right in front of us.  First time and not a fun experience.  I would say the day was a success, but at this point I am having to constantly remind myself that "I DON'T WORRY". I am actually saying it over and over in my head.  I have been preaching to my brother about how worry doesn't solve anything and to lay everything, all your worries at the foot of the cross.  Time to take my own advice and not worry.  I am married to a veterinarian for goodness sake...

Deep breathes...

Plan for today was to make a schedule, or a ruff draft of the "normal day" schedule.  I think I will pray about what a "normal day" actually is and work on this in the morning...  Time to retire to the bed and ready my daily scripture with Matt before he falls asleep, like he did last night.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 1

Today was short since I didn't start my challenge until almost 4pm.  I feel like I don't know what I am doing yet.  I was able to enjoy some family time before Matt cooked dinner.  I feel like that shouldn't count.  Today was like a weekend day for most everyone else, since Matt was home to help me with the kids.

It wasn't a normal day by any means, which is why there should be a schedule, including one for days that Matt is home (weekend or Tuesdays) and weird days when there are doctors appts.  I took Ethan to the doctor for his eczema which is out of control and Matt went to his own doctor's appt. and took Jonathan with him.  We met afterwards at an imprompu visit to the Aviation museum.  Kids had a blast, but we exceeded our cash for the rest of the week and had to dip into my birthday money.  I have had this money in my wallet for exactly a month today.  I guess that's what I get for still having it anyway.  Both kids took a nap when we got home and I was able to start this challenge during their naptime.

After they woke up I felt a little confused though... For some reason I didn't have the overwhelming urge to clean or create "order" at all.  It was cold, I wanted to watch TV with my kids on the couch, but NOooooo!  My power went out!  I guess maybe God was trying to get me off of my donkey and back on the horse.  You know the horse the goes by the name of "Mommy" (at the top of someone's lungs).

I have cleaned my kitchen, didn't like it at all, but it is done and now I am going to my bed to read my bible reading plans outloud to Matt.  I want to just go to sleep, since I have to get up at 5:45 and go to my second job, where I pretend to be a nurse while serving patients with "excellent" care :)

On to Day 2...

101 Days of Order Challenge

                         Work hard and cheerfully at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than people.  Remember that the Lord will give you and inheritance as your reward, and the Master you are serving is Christ.
                                              Colossians 3: 23-24

What it is:
Living order, deliberately and honestly for 101 days, and keeping track of your progress in a journal

I have a friend that started this challenge about a month ago.  When I say started this challenge, I mean she invented it and began it herself.  She wanted to challenge herself to eliminate as much disorder in her home as possible. 
                 If you are ready to live order in your entire life, do this challenge with me. After struggling for 3 years to find peace and fulfillment in my days at home with my children, I decided to challenge myself to living order in my home for 101 days. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my life! I love my family! I love being a mom... but I have not been loving my job. I mean, cleaning up poop, washing dishes, doing laundry, and cooking is great and all, but I was tired of feeling worn out every night while at the same time feeling like I had accomplished nothing. I was tired of being frustrated that my children wanted to eat EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I was tired of feeling like a failure as a mother and homemaker.
                 The catch is to pray like it all depends on God and work like it all depends on you. The challenge requires prayer, hard work, and complete honesty with yourself and openness with God. We won't come out of these 101 days perfect, but hopefully we will be facing in the right direction.

Jesus said to "be perfect as my Heavenly Father is perfect." This does not mean being a perfectionist, but to do all things well so that your efforts can be united to the work of God.

I feel like God has been speaking to me though my friend Jenny.  She doesn't even realize that the last two group meeting with my mom's group she has spoken on topics that I am struggling with:  #1-Prayer/strengthening my relationship with God and #2- feeling fulfilled with my job at home.  After the talk she gave several weeks ago about prayer, I decided to start a Bible reading plan.  I am reading one plan to read though the Bible in a year and another as a prayer devotional for parenting. I received a Kindle Fire for my birthday.  I downloaded a really neat app with both of these plans, as well as a daily word from Jesus.  The Kindle reminds me everyday when I turn it on that I have scripture to read.  If I am down, sometimes I read my verses from Jesus right then. Otherwise, I have been waiting until the end of the day and reading both plans out loud to my husband when we lay down at night.  This has fulfilled my empty feeling for wanting to read God's word, but I still felt this struggle at home.  Especially when I am in this house for 12 hours with two kids and hardly any adult conversation.  I feel like my friend, Jenny was reading my mind when she shared this idea with our mom's group last Friday.  It was like she has been peeping in my windows and knew what my life was like inside my home.  I felt this overwhelming obligation to get this disorder in my home into gear.  She suggested getting a buddy to do this with me...all my buddies are in this mom's group and I figure they are thinking of doing this too.  I will have more than enough support to help me though these crazy days.  I will keep this journal honest and do my best to not sound like I am crazy.

Here are the rules:

1     1) Pray every day. This is the first step toward order. Order your relationship with God first. We are doing this for Him.

2     2) Live a schedule EVERY DAY. I am going to write a “normal day” schedule, a weekend schedule, and an eff this schedule (for those days that are going to be a feat just to get through, days we have company in town, and days that are just too beautiful to be anywhere but outside, etc.). I am going to have to tweak these as I learn. Yours will be different than mine. WRITE THEM OUT!

3     3) Check all excuses at the door! I don’t care if you were in the ER all night with a sick baby!! Refer to rule number 2! We are going to live order every day, not because we are perfectionists or OCD but because order brings peace (Ever notice that God is orderly? Look around you! There is an order to everything he created!!!!).

4     4) Get back on the horse and off your ass. When, not if, you skip one of the afore mentioned rules, refer to rule # 3 and then back to this one. Get moving.

5     5) Go to bed with a clean kitchen. If you ignore this rule it will make following rule #2 very difficult!! Not only will you be combating evil tiny black ants, but you will be kicking yourself all day and everything will be off kilter and you will find yourself breaking rule #3 and having to engage rule #4 and you will be as exhausted as this sentence is long! In case you were wondering how clean is clean, this is my definition for beginners like ourselves: dishes washed, sink clean, all food put away, counters washed, and floors swept. By the end of these 101 days our fridges will be cleaned, the floors washed, everything neat and tidy, they will be Martha Stuart clean, Mary Poppins clean, you get the picture, but for now we are talking “let’s not get salmonella” kind of clean.

6     6) Remember WHY you are doing this: For God, for FAMILY, for Peace. If you find yourself loosing hope, frustrated, resentful, or rebellious refer to rules 1 and 4
7     7) Do everything to your absolute best ability
      Wish me luck and pray for me throughout this 101 Day of Order Challenge.  I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me!
Now, on to Day 1...
Challenge for the rest of this day, since it is 3:51.  I plan to totally copy Jenny's first suggestion.  Go to bed with a clean kitchen.  I also plan to stop this post and really pray and ask God to keep me to this challenge and allow it to really strengthen me as a Godly daughter, wife, mother, housekeeper, nurse, cook, laundry mat, poop cleaner-uper and all around person.