It is so amazing how fast time seem to go by when you have children. It sounds so silly, but it does. I can't believe that my little baby is now 1 year old. He is about 21 lbs and taller than he once was. He is walking all over the place and very proud to do so. He says Dadda, all day and loves to follow Jonathan and play with his toys. He eats just about anything that wont eat him first, except peas, spaghetti o's and chocolate cake. Weird, considering I will eat everything chocolate. He has had a couple of colds and one ear infection (which we are still taking antibiotics for now). He is happy all day and has the best smile! He still only has the two bottom teeth (since 9 months) and the top four have been working their way out for months. Still waiting and chewing on everything! He had a wonderful birthday party yesterday with lots of friends and family. He loved the Georgia football theme and Georgia even won the game!! Go dawgs!! We can't wait to see what this next year will bring!! Happy birthday little man!! We love you:)