The last three days have been really hard. Jonathan has tonsillitis and today is the first day since Tuesday that he has even acted like himself. His throat still hurts and he is a little picky about food, but he is playing and smiling like normal. Yesterday was a very strange day. I woke him up at 7:15, right before Matt left for work and he was feverish and blah. He stayed awake long enough for me to give him some Ibuprofen and change his diaper. He then proceeded to sleep for 6 hours! He woke up, but just laying around for two hours and then he was out again. He crawled up into my lap and snuggled for 3 hours, until Matt got home. FORTUNATELY, he slept all night! My child was awake for a total of about 2.5 hours!! You would think that I got a lot done yesterday, nope! But, thank God that he is almost back to normal. Plus, Matt is home today and that is SO... helpful! This picture is from Thursday. Believe it or not, we had just gotten home from the doctor's office and the Ibuprofen was kickin in big time. My little red neck man is so cute!!