I have finally taken a picture of myself during this pregnancy. I took lots of pictures while I was pregnant with Jonathan, but I am not really sure why I haven't this time. The only thing I could think of was that I am bigger this time and didn't want to look back and compare pictures. I have a little over 8 weeks before my "due date". I am trying not to focus on the date this time, just the month. I was really sad when my due date came and went with no Jonathan last time. Although he was only three days overdue, it was a sad three days. Obviously, I am hoping to go early with this one, but I am not counting on it. I guess he will come when he is ready, just like his brother did. You would think with all of this running around after Jonathan all day, I would go into labor early... Just pray that it is the case this time:)
Hey! Love your blog! And I'm doing the same thing with my "due date" this time around!! Owen was 4 days late and I thought I was going to explode - physically AND emotionally! Technically my due date is Nov 8, but we're calling it "mid-November" just in case. ;) PS - you look fantastic!!
You look so cute!!
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