Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Big Boys!

Yesterday we too both boys to the doctor's office for regular check ups. It was Ethan's 4 week (at 5 weeks old) appt. and Jonathan's 18 month appointment. Yes, we are crazy for doing both appointments at the same time, but I had Matt to help. Plus, we didn't want to make another trip all the way out to Matthews for two separate appointments (we still drive 45 minutes to our Pediatrician because she is awesome).

Jonathan was 24 pounds and 33 inches tall. She was very proud of his accomplishments. She agrees that he may not be talking up a storm right now, but he IS VERY smart:) Jonathan got 4 shots!! He was really upset at first, but then we went to lunch and Target to get some more cars and he got over it!

Ethan was 8 pounds and 11 ounces and 21 inches long. She said that he looked perfect! No shots for Ethan on this visit, but next one will be rough for him.

Everyone, including myself is feeling great. The boys are getting bigger by the day and for the first time in a long time, I am not.

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