This little boy is not anything like his big brother!
He is LOUD, fearless, cuddly, talkative, smiley and dangerous! He loves to jump up and down on anything and everything. He has the most beautiful, infectious smile on the planet. The puffiest cheeks, that make you want to gobble him to pieces.
He is the loudest child I have ever been around! Not just happy squeels, but unnessesary screaming sometimes. We have even nick named him, Sir Screams A-Lot. We love him, but sometimes wish his volume was a bit softer. I actually think he is just very outgoing and wants everyone to know.
He tries so hard to keep up with his big brother, but he is slightly clumbsy. He has fallen over and over and is constantly bumped, bruised, scraped and scabbed. Even with a recient black eye he was to cutest little boy.
He loves to get a book and sit in your lap. He loves to get his "night night" (blanket) and cuddle in your lap. To hear his little voice say, momma, just makes my heart melt. His brother calls him "EE" and he even calls himself "EE" now.
He is my last little boy. I love his open mouth, slobbery kisses. I love how his little lips get all puffy and poochy after he has been sucking on his paci and he falls asleep. I love him to pieces and I wouldn't change him for the world!!
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