Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 7

Lord, please let this day get better.  Amen.

This day started awful.  I didn't read my bible reading plan last night because I was sick.  I didn't pray this morning.  I still don't have creamer, therefore no coffee.  I have NO patience with my fighting, whining children.  I rushed out the door this morning to walk with a friend and the kids were a nightmare the entire time.  Since I rushed to get out the door, I didn't clean or straighted anything, just changed the kids right in the middle to the living room floor and left.  When I got back to the house the man from the security company was waiting for me (oops, forgot he was coming).  I walked him through my MESSY garage (that is on the To Do List) and into the kitchen.  Somehow, my kitchen looks decent, but not clean.  My house however, looks like homeless people have been living there.  There is two pairs of PJs in the middle of the floor, plus a wadded up wet diaper.  Two whining kids that have flopped in the middle of the floor, near the clothes because they are hot and now fighting over some stupid toy.  the man actually has to find a path and step over my children to get the main panel for the alarm.

EMBARRASSING moment of this challenge.  That is why Jenny says, to not put off the picking up before you leave the house.  I kept apologizing to this man as my kids are screaming for my attention.  I am sure he thinks, "this woman needs help!"  As he left he said, "you look like you have your hands full".  No Sh*t Sherlock!  But that was still not an EXCUSE!  I did attempt to bribe him with cash to go to Walmart and do my grocery shopping, so that I wouldn't have an aneurysm.  He didn't take it. :(

Hence the next bad part of the day...  I was "THAT WOMAN" in the Walmart.  the one that people shake their heads at and think, "that poor woman".  I had two fighting kids in the basket. I threatened out loud, spanked and sternly spoke to both of my children multiple times throughout the torture, I mean shopping experience. 

I did however have an epiphany while I was at Walmart.  They strategically place the alcohol in the back of the store, so that when women who have to shop with their children NEED it by the time they get to the back of the store.  Whoever thought of that, must have small children!  Then, as my kids are "helping" me put the groceries on the check out counter at the store, almost breaking glass jars and throwing the fruit, the checkout lady actually asked me for my ID!  I wanted to turn to her and say, "SERIOUSLY!  Do you actually think I don't deserve this!  Do I look that crazy, that you think I might not be 21?"  It took every little part of my being to speak with GRACE and say, "sure" with a SMILE.

It is only 2:52 and I am ready to wave my white flag...
LORD help me do these things for you.  Help me take a deep breath and not scream.  Help me regain any shade of sanity in my home today.

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