Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 2

Today was a work day for me.  It started wonderfully because my kitchen was so clean when I woke up.  I was refreshing to not feel like I needed to scrable at 6am and tidy up the kitchen before my mother-in-law came to watch the kids.
THANKS Jenny, great idea!

So since it was a work day, I didn't get home until almost 4pm.  I player with Ethan outside until Jonathan woke up at 5ish.  We enjoyed some time outside just the three of us until I started dinner.  Thanks to Scooby-Do, I was able to make dinner without anyone yelling, fighting or attempting to "help".  Dinner was ready when Matt walked in and the kitchen was still pretty tidy, since I was able to clean as I messed up the kitchen.  Actually, I think that will be an addendum to rule #5 for me.
        5) Go to bed with a clean kitchen
             a) clean while you cook as to not leave a huge mess to clean up after dinner.
             b) long standing...whoever cooks, doesn't clean the table :)

This worked great today.  Everyone was happy.  Dinner was on time and tasted OK.  We ate it.  When I say we I mean I made a dinner that everyone ate the same thing AND they all ate it!  VICTORY!!

I even had the opportunity to share my Challenge with Matt and get some feed back from him before the dog had a SEIZURE!  Literally, the dog had a seizure right in front of us.  First time and not a fun experience.  I would say the day was a success, but at this point I am having to constantly remind myself that "I DON'T WORRY". I am actually saying it over and over in my head.  I have been preaching to my brother about how worry doesn't solve anything and to lay everything, all your worries at the foot of the cross.  Time to take my own advice and not worry.  I am married to a veterinarian for goodness sake...

Deep breathes...

Plan for today was to make a schedule, or a ruff draft of the "normal day" schedule.  I think I will pray about what a "normal day" actually is and work on this in the morning...  Time to retire to the bed and ready my daily scripture with Matt before he falls asleep, like he did last night.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I'm sorry about the dog! I can't wait to read day 3!!! Good work! Love having a partner!!!