Friday, June 29, 2012
Wednesday, day 65
Today was another day at the hospital. I need to find a good name for these days. It is almost like a 1/2 day at my primary job at home, but really it is less than that. Although, I am almost doing an entire days work in 5 hours between 4pm and 9pm.
When I got home we played for a little bit and then we got things ready for Jonathan to skip swim teama nd try a soccer camp. We got him a little soccer ball last night. He was so excited and doesn't even know what he is doing.
Well it was so much fun! Matt was able to get off work a little early and meet us at the field. This little camp is being hosted by the church we are attending, Exodus. They separated the kids by age and Jonathan was learning to kick the ball and run with about 12 other little boys and girls. He listened so well and played and had so much fun!
But, poor Ethan :( He wanted to play so bad, but it was for 4+ and plus, he was so snotty. He cried for Jonathan (or "Jonython" as he says). He kept saying, "I want to play with my Jonython" It was sweet, but sad. Maybe tomorrow and definately next year. As for now, maybe I have a little soccer player on my hands!
As for my Bible reading plan. So, I don't know if it is the plan that we are reading or if Matt just busted my bubble, but he said he didn't want to read the Bible like this anymore. We are reading 1 chapter (or sometimes 1/2 if it is long) in New Testament, 1 chapter starting from beginning of Old Testament and then a Psalm or Proverb. For the last 40 days we have been reading at least 2 chapters in Exodus per night and it is HARD! Reading all the instructions on building the Tabernacle every night is really trying! I think he is burned out! There has got to be a better way to read. Even I almost fall asleep reading about 2 cubits the height and 1 cubit the bredeth. It is hard and I am not retaining or learning anything. Wonder if there are some other options...
Tuesday, day 64
Today was a busy day at the hospital, but when I got home we got to go to the pool. I was excited, because last Thursday Jonathan decided he wanted to learn to swim by joining the swim team. He did such a great job on his first day and was so excited about practice today.
Funny, somehow he didn't want to listen or follow instructions today. With me or anyone else. The coach was a no show at practice and there was only one helper for the 4 year olds. Basically it was a huge waste of time before he ever got started. Then he realized, "I don't actually have to swim or listen. I can just float and she will carry me through the water to the wall." That is NOT what I was interested in watching while I was sweating buckets in the sun. Plus, there were other kids watching him take his sweet time, waiting for their turn. Time to get out!
I had to take a minute and step back. I have promised myself and asked God to keep me true to this promise. I WILL NOT BE THAT MOTHER! You know the mother that forces her children to do sports they don't want to do. The mother that takes all of the fun out of every activity by making it a competition or never accepting that her child just doesn't want to. I want my kids to try new things and not be a quitter, but if they don't like it, fine. If they don't want to go to practice, then they don't play. Plus, I am NOT going to over schedule. I heard one mom friend of mine say her kids were comitted to one sport or activity per semester. I think that is a great idea. We will see how that works.
So back to today: He said he wanted to keep swimming when I asked him to get out of the pool. He was so busy playing with a leaf that was floating in the pool he wasn't kicking or doing anything. I told him that he had don't well today, but that other kids wanted to swim too and if he didn't feel like following instructions and actually swimming today, we were going to do something else. He was about to cry, but I told him to swim or get out and we would have icecream. He agreed and we went to the Belmont Soda Shoppe for a milkshake. God gave us the MOST beautiful day to enjoy the park before we melt later this week. It was perfect!
Hopefully I haven't discouraged Jonathan, but if he doesn't want to swim, he doesn't have to. We will see.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Monday, day 63

This is how this week is going to go! I have the best intentions and I wake up smiling. The kids are rested and so am I. But, somehow, they SUCK the niceness and happy mommy right out of me!!
It may also be hormones...
Either way, my goal this week is to start praying for my children. I was reading on Pinterest about a great book all about praying scripture over your children. So, I updated my Amazon account with a working credit number (since mine got stollen after my last purchase on and bought the book on my Kindle. I hope that this helps me choose the right prayer for each stage for my children.. We will see.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
TODAY- Sunday, day 62
I can blog enough to catch up and still blog on the exact day!
Today, we made it back to church. I might not have been moved by the music today, but I was inspired by the message. The pastor preached out of Luke 18:1. He pointed out (and I love this), that Luke went ahead and pointed out the summary, before he told the parrable that Jesus shared.
The Parable of the Persistent Widow
I can blog enough to catch up and still blog on the exact day!
Today, we made it back to church. I might not have been moved by the music today, but I was inspired by the message. The pastor preached out of Luke 18:1. He pointed out (and I love this), that Luke went ahead and pointed out the summary, before he told the parrable that Jesus shared.
The Parable of the Persistent Widow
18 And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart. 2 He said, “In a certain city there was a judge who neither feared God nor respected man. 3 And there was a widow in that city who kept coming to him and saying, ‘Give me justice against my adversary.’ 4 For a while he refused, but afterward he said to himself, ‘Though I neither fear God nor respect man, 5 yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will give her justice, so that she will not beat me down by her continual coming.’” 6 And the Lord said, “Hear what the unrighteous judge says. 7 And will not God give justice to his elect, who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long over them? 8 I tell you, he will give justice to them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”
I felt this overwhelming urge to improve my prayer life. I feel comfortable talking to God, but the pastor reminded me to pray like a child does. Or ask like a child does. He joked, by saying that when our kids ask us for something they don't say, "Oh Father, we are not worthy of dessert because we did not eat all of our dinner, but if it pleases you can you bless us with some dessert." Instead, they say, "can I have dessert" or at my house, "Mommy, get me dessert!" It is not that I don't want to be respectful, but especially when I pray out loud, I am sure that I will mess up or sound unsure or uneasy. I should have faith and let the Holy Spirit take over and just talk to God. It is really not that hard.
So tonight I will work on my prayer to God, for myself and my children.
Saturday, day 61
Finally got back into the groove and read my Bible reading plan last night this Matt. Were reading from Proverbs 13 and when Matt read this verse,
Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.
Proverbs 13: 24
This makes me feel like a better mom when I have to punish. Yesterday, Jonathan got in trouble and I sent him to his room and he was crying and I heard him say to Ethan that I didn't love him anymore. I was heart broken to hear him say that. I went directly to his room and should have read this passage to him, but instead, I hugged him and tried to explain how I will always love him, even though there are times I don't like him very much. If only they knew how it hard is for a parent to disciple your children sometimes.
My day was crazy today with a bridal shower and Jonathan's preschool picnic, but they kids napped, had fun and we even met some new people at the picnic. On to tomorrow, where we will finally get another family day.
Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.
Proverbs 13: 24
This makes me feel like a better mom when I have to punish. Yesterday, Jonathan got in trouble and I sent him to his room and he was crying and I heard him say to Ethan that I didn't love him anymore. I was heart broken to hear him say that. I went directly to his room and should have read this passage to him, but instead, I hugged him and tried to explain how I will always love him, even though there are times I don't like him very much. If only they knew how it hard is for a parent to disciple your children sometimes.
My day was crazy today with a bridal shower and Jonathan's preschool picnic, but they kids napped, had fun and we even met some new people at the picnic. On to tomorrow, where we will finally get another family day.
Thursday, day 59

this is the mantra of the day!
Anyway, I woke up to a clean kitchen!! Have I meantioned my husband is AWESOME!
Which is amazing since I went to bed early with a headache and left Matt to feed everyone and do all the bedtime routine alone. Not that he hasn't ever done it before or that he can't keep the kitch clean, but I think he realizes that I am making a effort to keep this house in order and he helped me!
This was an awesome start to a very busy day! I had to take Jonathan to Speech Therapy at 8am ( I was still 1/2 asleep). After ST we had a great play date at the pool with some other MOPS moms. Thankfully the boys were worn out after 4 hours at the pool. They took a great nap and I was able to journal from last week (ha ha, tha tis funny!).
After 1/2 naps I woke Jonathan for his first swim lessons with the SWIM TEAM! He did so good and I was so proud of him! When the practice was over I crammed in some pizza and ran off to my MOPS steering meeting.
THANKFULLY, we were able to kick back a little at this meeting and I had some much needed giggles. Stayed up WAY too late, which doesn't help my constant fatigue, but it was worth it!
Tuesday day 57-Wednesday day 58
Both of these days were work days at my "other" job. When I got home from work on Tuesday, Matt surprised me with this beautiful antique dining room hutch that I love! He had a Daddy Day with the boys all day and they decided to go antique shopping. Somehow, I have convinced my kids that it is fun to go yardsaling and antique shopping. I am really smart and I better enjoy this before they figure out that it isn't that much fun for them. Tuesday night we went to the pool after I got home. Somehow, we are making the very most off of not having any money and running out of groceries. It is interesting to say the least.
Wednesday I ran around like a chicken with it's head cut off at the hospital and then finished off my day with an Ultrasound of my thyroid. That sucked! It was uncomfortable and basically laying upside down for 20 minutes, gave me an awful headache! When the nice girl was doing the ultrasound she started asking me questions that got my mind racing. It was probably a simple question she asks all of her patients who are getting their thyroid scanned, but somehow it started to worry me. The pesky devil on my shoulder was making me worry! I don't worry!! I started thinking that she must be asking me these questions because she sees something worrisome. I actually had to close my eyes and pray for God to help me let go and give it all to Him. Even after I prayed, I continued to repeat, " I am giving this to you, Jesus" over and over until I actually felt better. It is crazy sometimes how the devil can creep in and use your thoughts when you are most vulnerable.
Wednesday when I got home, I was so exhausted, just thinking about how much I needed to do in the next three days made me want to take a nap. Plus, the headache was killing me! I just shut down.
I laid down on the couch and the kids ran wild until Matt got home. There was no dinner, crazy hungry kids running around and I was just laying on the couch. I didn't read my Bible or pray before bed, I just went to bed. I felt horrible and can't wait to wake up to a better day tomorrow.
Monday, day 56
I seriously think that the fatigue is worse. I am just praying that this medicine will kick in soon. I can't keep up with anything. I am blah most days and I have beaten the kids to bed twice in the past three days. I can't keep up with this blog... I REALLY need to get off of this donkey. But, I can't seem to keep up... I need to just jump ahead and get this over with!
Saturday day 54-Sunday day 55
Somehow we blew almost all of our allotted money this pay period. So this made for a creative Father's Day weekend. We went to the pool a lot and on Sunday we climbed Crowder's MTN again. Matt really wanted to go camping, but thankfully he realized that he was the only one that wanted to do that, and he changed his mind (or gave up). I made a little craft from Pinterest for his gift. It was the sweetest little poem with the boys footprints. It was actually a lazy, no money weekend.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Friday, day 53
Today was such a blah day! I didn't get out of my jammies until well after noon. Not because I was sick or didn't sleep well. I just didn't want to. I am so tired. That's not an excuse, it is a symptom. I was diagnosed with Sub-Clinical Hypothyroidism. It explains a lot of my life- tired all the time, weight gain, hair falling out, decreased sex drive, increased headaches and a sexy goiter (which is new, by the way). All of these symptoms have increased recently. Years ago, I thought I had hypothyroidism and had labs done and was told they were normal and my symptoms (mild at the time) were "hormonal". My naive self, believed that this was the answer. In the last 4 years, I had excuses of being a mother and being busy. Once I had some labs drawn last month, I was convinced, maybe I do have a problem or reason for how I am feeling. So today, I started my day with a medication that will hopefully make me feel better. I wish it was instant relief. It will take 4-6 weeks to see any results or changes in how I feel. Until then, I will try to make the most of these days and pray for healing.
That's all I have for today.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Thursday, day 52

I did it! I lead my first Steering meeting as the Coordinator! I was a little nervous, but that was all gone when I spent 3 frustrating minutes trying to open the door to the church. I kicked, pulled, pushed and almost cursed it. then I took a deep breath and prayed that God would help me. OMG, it opened! It was almost as good as when Jonathan called me to his room the other day when he was supposed to be napping and asked me to pray with his and ask God to make it stop raining; it did!
Today, I felt the Holy Spirit when I was sharing how God had spoken to me and is leading me in leadership this year. You know, so people say that you can do anything with determination. I say, you can do all things through Christ!
Wednesday, day 51
I had no idea when I started this Challenge that things would change this way. I am happier; spiritually, as a mother, as a wife, as a friend. I have bonded with my imaginary friend and we are "feeding" each other and leading each other (maybe she is more than me).
Today, wasn't anything special. I was actually at my "other" job all day and came home to SO many ideas in my head about this Steering meeting tomorrow. I finally got to spend some time with my ids after two days a work. We ate dinner together, played together and I even kissed a few boo-boos. I watched my big boy ride his bike like a pro. When did that happen? They just grow up. You go to work and come home and they have grown up!
New rule # (??)- Rise every morning and give God a morning offering. Thank him for these beautiful children and wonderful husband. Cherish every moment and continue to focus on the ORDER.
Tuesday, Day 50

This is funny, but it makes me realize that both my primary job as a mother/wife/daughter of God and my secondary job as a nurse are not that bad!
Today, I was at my "other" job. It was long, but afterwards we celebrated Father's Day with my Father-n-law. It was nice to celebrate and thank him for all that he has taught my husband about being a great man, father, and husband.
We ended our evening (after a great steak dinner with family) on a date night. We went to see the Avengers. I was exhausted, but the movie was great! I enjoyed spending time with Matt, alone (before we both feel asleep). We have been pretty good about focusing on each other and making time for a date night. It is really nice :) I love being together as a family, but Matt and I need to remember that second to God, our marriage is the most important priority. Without each other, we wouldn't have these beautiful children. We wouldn't be parents. I love this man and I am thankful that we can make each other a priority. I wish we could do it more often than 2 times a month, but I am grateful for what we can do!
I HIGHLY recommend date night and strengthening marriages, away from you kids.
Monday, day 49

I wish this was my To-Do list :) Instead...
Busy catching up on the last week of journal entries and can hardly remember what I did today. All I know it that I am so pumped about my MOPS group! I feel God moving through me in a way to make something great happen this year. I am thinking about it all day, dreaming about ideas and feel the Holy Spirit. I feel like this Challenge has made me want to make myself better on so many levels, all the levels.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Sunday, day 48
At church today one of the assistant pastors preached from Matthew 28:16-20. He talked about how Jesus gave us a mission.
16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
The pastor reminded me of several things. That it is my mission to not only tell people and lead people to Christ, but to help them lead a Christian life and love Jesus. To walk like him, live like him, love like him and worship him. I am only doing half of that.
Also, that Jesus is always with you on your mission. As a mom, he is with me when the kids are being bad, when I am changing those awful diapers, when I am disciplining, when I am at my breaking point and at those best moments. As a nurse, he is with me when I feel like I am not making a difference and when the patient's family is thanking me. As a wife he is with me when we are not agreeing about money or when we are spending like crazy. Even when we are on vacation, Jesus is with us. That is a reminder to me that I am taking a vacation away from work, not my spiritual time with God. The point that really drove it home to me was when he reminded me that Satan NEVER takes a day off! So, now is the time to strengthen our marriages, hug our kids and teach them about Jesus and share with our friends, family and anyone who will listen that Jesus is the only one who saves!
My favorite part about this challenge is that my kids are seeing what I am doing and they are doing it too! When we change activities, floors of the house or need to leave the house, Jonathan says, "wait wait Mommy. We need to clean up clean up, everybody clean up." You talk about an answered prayer. My kids are getting it and helping Mommy attempt to keep order in this house. I almost had to kick Matt when he told the kids it was time to leave for church and Jonathan started cleaning up and Matt told him, "we don't have time to clean, let's just go." Oh no! Please don't mess up what I have created. This is a responsible 4 year old. We will just be late!
Well, we made it on time and then we went to Carowinds. It was a huge hit for Jonathan. Unfortunately, Ethan was still too short for most of the kiddy rides. but, we made the most of it and easily blew $50. We are going to have to work on that. We can't spend $50 every time we use our free seasons passes. Next time we are packing lunch and not buying anything. Fun was had by all and the kids slept great, while Matt and I painted the dining room. Which was not fun, but finished.
Wow, what a day. Exhausted!
16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
The pastor reminded me of several things. That it is my mission to not only tell people and lead people to Christ, but to help them lead a Christian life and love Jesus. To walk like him, live like him, love like him and worship him. I am only doing half of that.
Also, that Jesus is always with you on your mission. As a mom, he is with me when the kids are being bad, when I am changing those awful diapers, when I am disciplining, when I am at my breaking point and at those best moments. As a nurse, he is with me when I feel like I am not making a difference and when the patient's family is thanking me. As a wife he is with me when we are not agreeing about money or when we are spending like crazy. Even when we are on vacation, Jesus is with us. That is a reminder to me that I am taking a vacation away from work, not my spiritual time with God. The point that really drove it home to me was when he reminded me that Satan NEVER takes a day off! So, now is the time to strengthen our marriages, hug our kids and teach them about Jesus and share with our friends, family and anyone who will listen that Jesus is the only one who saves!
My favorite part about this challenge is that my kids are seeing what I am doing and they are doing it too! When we change activities, floors of the house or need to leave the house, Jonathan says, "wait wait Mommy. We need to clean up clean up, everybody clean up." You talk about an answered prayer. My kids are getting it and helping Mommy attempt to keep order in this house. I almost had to kick Matt when he told the kids it was time to leave for church and Jonathan started cleaning up and Matt told him, "we don't have time to clean, let's just go." Oh no! Please don't mess up what I have created. This is a responsible 4 year old. We will just be late!
Well, we made it on time and then we went to Carowinds. It was a huge hit for Jonathan. Unfortunately, Ethan was still too short for most of the kiddy rides. but, we made the most of it and easily blew $50. We are going to have to work on that. We can't spend $50 every time we use our free seasons passes. Next time we are packing lunch and not buying anything. Fun was had by all and the kids slept great, while Matt and I painted the dining room. Which was not fun, but finished.
Wow, what a day. Exhausted!
Saturday, day 47
Today I had the urge to take the boy yardsaling again. It was easy to talk them into the idea too. They watched a movie while I drove all over Gaston Co. unfortunately finding nothing! Oh well, we topped it off with a donut and that made it all better.
When we got home the boys immediately walked in the door, sat down and took off their shoes and Jonathan put them away. Then they both washed their hands and started playing. AMEN!! It is working :) We have be practicing a routine. When we come in the house, we sit and take off our shoes, put them away and wash our hands. If it is basically nap time we then start the nap time routine which adds, pee, pullup and in the bed. I am so happy that I don't have to remind them now. It is almost coming natural every time we come home. Now, I just need to find a way for them to not fight while trying to be the first to wash their hands. One thing at a time.
We ended up meeting Matt at the Belmont Soda Shoppe after he got off of work. Great hot dogs and milkshakes while the kids played.
After the kids went down for their naps, I made two trips to Lowe's to pick paint colors and finally came home with paint for the dining room. Thankfully, Matt got called into work for 20 minutes and I didn't have to cook dinner. We picked up Jimmy Johns (Mmmm...) and caught up on DVR Mentalist when we got home. Great end to the day!
I love how easy it is to keep my kitchen cleaned, if I keep up with it during the day. Then before bed I just straighten up. It takes 2 minutes. Not bad. Now, if only the "kitchen fairy" (as my Dad always called it) could come and sweep my floor while I was sleeping. that would be perfect!
When we got home the boys immediately walked in the door, sat down and took off their shoes and Jonathan put them away. Then they both washed their hands and started playing. AMEN!! It is working :) We have be practicing a routine. When we come in the house, we sit and take off our shoes, put them away and wash our hands. If it is basically nap time we then start the nap time routine which adds, pee, pullup and in the bed. I am so happy that I don't have to remind them now. It is almost coming natural every time we come home. Now, I just need to find a way for them to not fight while trying to be the first to wash their hands. One thing at a time.
We ended up meeting Matt at the Belmont Soda Shoppe after he got off of work. Great hot dogs and milkshakes while the kids played.
After the kids went down for their naps, I made two trips to Lowe's to pick paint colors and finally came home with paint for the dining room. Thankfully, Matt got called into work for 20 minutes and I didn't have to cook dinner. We picked up Jimmy Johns (Mmmm...) and caught up on DVR Mentalist when we got home. Great end to the day!
I love how easy it is to keep my kitchen cleaned, if I keep up with it during the day. Then before bed I just straighten up. It takes 2 minutes. Not bad. Now, if only the "kitchen fairy" (as my Dad always called it) could come and sweep my floor while I was sleeping. that would be perfect!
Friday, Day 46
Today started off great! (NOT) I ended up at Walmart before 8am. That is how no ones day should start. I had no creamer and no tampons. I can no go to a pool playdate without either, so off to Walmart we go.
My non-imaginary friend, Jenny came to the house for a little playing before the pool time. It was almost comical to try and have a conversation over 6 kids playing in the same room. Also, great birth control!
I got pumped talking about MOPS with Jenny. She has the sneeky crazy way of making me think I can do all of these great things with our group. I was so pumped, I spent nap time printing stuff to make these cool notebooks for each leadership position. I started thinking while I was making these, about why I feel so commited to making this an awesome year. I think this is why:
I have always prayed on my way to my "other job" to feel like I was making a difference on some level to someone today. I haven't felt that way in almost 2 years. I don't really like my job at the hospital. I haven't really complained because, #1- I have a job and #2- I don't have to work holidays, weekends, overtime, great schedule, flexible bosses, great pay, for doing NOTHING. But that is also the problem. I do NOTHING! At least there are more often than not, these days where I feel pointless at my job. I have worked outside the box, just to keep myself busy, but that is not my personality. To be blissfully happy on my butt, not running around like a chicken with my head cut off (like I used to when I worked in the ED at Main). I feel soemtimes, like if I didn't show up to work, it wouldn't make a difference at all. That really bothers me. SO, I am going to stay at my other job and make the best of it, but when I am at MOPS, I am going to give all of that energy to these women and make this year the best. I am going to ask God to lead me in making a difference in this position. I feel God is leading me into a leadership position and guiding me in His word. I pray that I can make a difference as the Coordinator this year on some level to someone.
My non-imaginary friend, Jenny came to the house for a little playing before the pool time. It was almost comical to try and have a conversation over 6 kids playing in the same room. Also, great birth control!
I got pumped talking about MOPS with Jenny. She has the sneeky crazy way of making me think I can do all of these great things with our group. I was so pumped, I spent nap time printing stuff to make these cool notebooks for each leadership position. I started thinking while I was making these, about why I feel so commited to making this an awesome year. I think this is why:
I have always prayed on my way to my "other job" to feel like I was making a difference on some level to someone today. I haven't felt that way in almost 2 years. I don't really like my job at the hospital. I haven't really complained because, #1- I have a job and #2- I don't have to work holidays, weekends, overtime, great schedule, flexible bosses, great pay, for doing NOTHING. But that is also the problem. I do NOTHING! At least there are more often than not, these days where I feel pointless at my job. I have worked outside the box, just to keep myself busy, but that is not my personality. To be blissfully happy on my butt, not running around like a chicken with my head cut off (like I used to when I worked in the ED at Main). I feel soemtimes, like if I didn't show up to work, it wouldn't make a difference at all. That really bothers me. SO, I am going to stay at my other job and make the best of it, but when I am at MOPS, I am going to give all of that energy to these women and make this year the best. I am going to ask God to lead me in making a difference in this position. I feel God is leading me into a leadership position and guiding me in His word. I pray that I can make a difference as the Coordinator this year on some level to someone.
Thursday, Day 45
I don't know if it is the hormones or the cramps, but WOW everything is getting on my nerves today!
Took the kids to the park today with some MOPS moms and their kids, which was fun. But I couldn't wait to get back on the heating pad, sit around and do nothing.
I have no motivation to pick up around the house, play, cook or anything that does not involve laying on the couch with my heating pad.
Took the kids to the park today with some MOPS moms and their kids, which was fun. But I couldn't wait to get back on the heating pad, sit around and do nothing.
I have no motivation to pick up around the house, play, cook or anything that does not involve laying on the couch with my heating pad.
Wednesday, Day 44
Today is a get back on track day.
We were going to go to Carowinds today with our new seasons passess, but it is raining and chilly. Not a great Carowinds day. Instead we went to Lowe's and then to a very dangerous antique store. We spent money we didn't have BUT we ended up with a beautiful new dining table, chairs, bench, picture frame, coke crate and mirror. We got on a decorating frenzy and it was fun!
Other than that, today was a clean the house, catch up on laundry kind of day.
We were going to go to Carowinds today with our new seasons passess, but it is raining and chilly. Not a great Carowinds day. Instead we went to Lowe's and then to a very dangerous antique store. We spent money we didn't have BUT we ended up with a beautiful new dining table, chairs, bench, picture frame, coke crate and mirror. We got on a decorating frenzy and it was fun!
Other than that, today was a clean the house, catch up on laundry kind of day.
Tuesday, Day 43
Today we are going back to the real world. We have to clean the cabin and pack everything up. You talk about creating order... you have to prepare the cabin to be empty and ready for the next person who stays there, but you don't know how long that will be. Vacuum, clean refrigerator, all laundry done and away, beds made, bathrooms clean, all trash out, heat off, water heater off doors locked. It takes all morning, but is so much easier and has 3-4 less steps in the summer months than the winter. Makes me glad we don't have to do that everyday. Maybe I wont whine about needed to sweep my kitchen before bed tomorrow night.
We packed and left the cabin and decided to go to Grandfather Mtn. It was perfect weather. You could see for miles! We all climbed the steps to the summit and climbed on the rocks for the best view. The boys has so much fun and I can't believe that Matt and I had never done this before. Could have been a little cheaper, but the view was worth it!
We got home to a mess! All of our yardsaling adventures were everywhere and it looked like we left in a hurry. My kitchen looked like a dumping ground for left over stuff. It made me feel tired, just walking in the door! Ugh! I should have remembered how wonderful it felt after we go home from my parent's house and everything was spotless. Well we have one more day of "vacation" to get back on track before Matt goes back to work.
We packed and left the cabin and decided to go to Grandfather Mtn. It was perfect weather. You could see for miles! We all climbed the steps to the summit and climbed on the rocks for the best view. The boys has so much fun and I can't believe that Matt and I had never done this before. Could have been a little cheaper, but the view was worth it!
We got home to a mess! All of our yardsaling adventures were everywhere and it looked like we left in a hurry. My kitchen looked like a dumping ground for left over stuff. It made me feel tired, just walking in the door! Ugh! I should have remembered how wonderful it felt after we go home from my parent's house and everything was spotless. Well we have one more day of "vacation" to get back on track before Matt goes back to work.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Monday, Day 42
Why is it so Cold up here? Seriously, it is June!
Ok, that is better...
So we woke up at 6:15 (That's more like it Jonathan. Wake up the entire house before the sun!). Somehow, the strange schedule and new yard sale toys have created two monsters in this cabin. They are being awful! It isn't 7:30 and they are both crying and been in trouble at least 3 times. I would threaten to not go to Tweetsie, but I already paid for it and I was not going to not follow through and waist all that money, AND be trapped in this cabin with two terrible kids all day!
At least through all of this I am seeing some of my rules rub off on Jonathan. Matt told him it was time to get in the car to go and see Thomas at the Train Park and he said, "Wait, dadda. We have to clean up, clean up before we go." He then started singing his clean up song and picking up all the toys they had scattered all over the living room floor. We were running short on time, but I wasn't about to stop him. Good Job, Jonathan!!
Tweetsie was fun, but it was windy and chilly still. We rode the train, they played in a bounce house with a slide, rode rides, got a souvenir and 3 hours later we were ready to leave and eat lunch!
We picked up picnic food and were off to the park for a picnic. The kids ate and played in the creek at Julian Price Park. It was too cold for me, but that never stops them. They will probably be sick next week, but as long as they are having fun and not whining, we are good!
On the way home they both feel asleep and we were able to transfer them to take a really great nap. Now, that is more like it. Everyone woke up happy, playful and ate a great dinner that I made from food from home. It the first bit of normalcy this vacation. We did some fireworks and ate brownies before bed and the kids were finally back to normal again!
Vacations are great, but eventaully the lack of routine or schedule will get the best of the kids and their horns will pop out!!
Ok, that is better...
So we woke up at 6:15 (That's more like it Jonathan. Wake up the entire house before the sun!). Somehow, the strange schedule and new yard sale toys have created two monsters in this cabin. They are being awful! It isn't 7:30 and they are both crying and been in trouble at least 3 times. I would threaten to not go to Tweetsie, but I already paid for it and I was not going to not follow through and waist all that money, AND be trapped in this cabin with two terrible kids all day!
At least through all of this I am seeing some of my rules rub off on Jonathan. Matt told him it was time to get in the car to go and see Thomas at the Train Park and he said, "Wait, dadda. We have to clean up, clean up before we go." He then started singing his clean up song and picking up all the toys they had scattered all over the living room floor. We were running short on time, but I wasn't about to stop him. Good Job, Jonathan!!
Tweetsie was fun, but it was windy and chilly still. We rode the train, they played in a bounce house with a slide, rode rides, got a souvenir and 3 hours later we were ready to leave and eat lunch!
We picked up picnic food and were off to the park for a picnic. The kids ate and played in the creek at Julian Price Park. It was too cold for me, but that never stops them. They will probably be sick next week, but as long as they are having fun and not whining, we are good!
On the way home they both feel asleep and we were able to transfer them to take a really great nap. Now, that is more like it. Everyone woke up happy, playful and ate a great dinner that I made from food from home. It the first bit of normalcy this vacation. We did some fireworks and ate brownies before bed and the kids were finally back to normal again!
Vacations are great, but eventaully the lack of routine or schedule will get the best of the kids and their horns will pop out!!
Sunday, Day 41
This morning was so peaceful. I woke up at 6:30 and the kids were still asleep. Now, why do you ask, did I get up at 6:30, if the kids were still asleep? I smelled coffee! I can't believe it, but my wonderful husband scrounged around and found some coffee in the cabin! And, made me breakfast! I LOVE this man. He even packed my favorite creamer in the cooler when we left. That is love :)
After enjoying some great breakfast, we all piled into the van and we were off to Damascus, VA to ride on the Virginia Creeper Trail. Matt had packed PB&J sandwiches and snacks. When we got there we got set up with the bikes and the trailer for the kids. They drove us 25 minutes to the starting point and we started our 17 mile bike trip back to the van. We started at 10:45am and it was an unfortunate 50 degrees and cloudy/misty conditions. Basically it was cold and wet!!
We made it about 2miles and I was already taking my socks off and putting them on my hands, because my fingers were freezing! the kids were warm and happy in the comfort of their little trailer behind Matt. the first place that we stopped was an old railway station. They had old historic things in the back of the store and little needs in the front. Including gloves and a bandanna for my frozen ears!
Overall it was a great trip and I would do it again on a warm, sunny day in August! We ate our gourmet meal on a rock in the creek. We stopped about a bazillion times and let the kids get out and I took tons of great pictures. By the time we got towards the end it had warmed up a bit and it was wonderful. The scenery is so beautiful and peaceful. The ride was relaxing. Definitely think we will do that again.
After we left Damascus, we drove to Grandmother Woods house and spend some time with her. She finally opened Matt's grandfather's work shed and let Matt look around and take some things. Now we are the proud owners of some cool antiques :)
It was a long day, but overall it was great! Matt made a great point, the kids were really good considering that they were couped up in a tiny trailer for 4-5 hours with no TV, games, toys. Only to enjoy the scenery and play with dirt or in the stream when we would stop. Maybe, we need to lower our expectations and we will enjoy our times with the kids more. They are only 2.5 and 4. they did great for their age!
When we got back to the cabin and got the kids to bed, we read our Bible reading plan. I had anticipated not having internet, since there is none at the cabin and I wrote down my scheduled readings for our vacation. Therefore, we could just read it our of my Bible and keep up and not get even more behind.
Ah...I feel much better!
After enjoying some great breakfast, we all piled into the van and we were off to Damascus, VA to ride on the Virginia Creeper Trail. Matt had packed PB&J sandwiches and snacks. When we got there we got set up with the bikes and the trailer for the kids. They drove us 25 minutes to the starting point and we started our 17 mile bike trip back to the van. We started at 10:45am and it was an unfortunate 50 degrees and cloudy/misty conditions. Basically it was cold and wet!!
We made it about 2miles and I was already taking my socks off and putting them on my hands, because my fingers were freezing! the kids were warm and happy in the comfort of their little trailer behind Matt. the first place that we stopped was an old railway station. They had old historic things in the back of the store and little needs in the front. Including gloves and a bandanna for my frozen ears!
Overall it was a great trip and I would do it again on a warm, sunny day in August! We ate our gourmet meal on a rock in the creek. We stopped about a bazillion times and let the kids get out and I took tons of great pictures. By the time we got towards the end it had warmed up a bit and it was wonderful. The scenery is so beautiful and peaceful. The ride was relaxing. Definitely think we will do that again.
After we left Damascus, we drove to Grandmother Woods house and spend some time with her. She finally opened Matt's grandfather's work shed and let Matt look around and take some things. Now we are the proud owners of some cool antiques :)
It was a long day, but overall it was great! Matt made a great point, the kids were really good considering that they were couped up in a tiny trailer for 4-5 hours with no TV, games, toys. Only to enjoy the scenery and play with dirt or in the stream when we would stop. Maybe, we need to lower our expectations and we will enjoy our times with the kids more. They are only 2.5 and 4. they did great for their age!
When we got back to the cabin and got the kids to bed, we read our Bible reading plan. I had anticipated not having internet, since there is none at the cabin and I wrote down my scheduled readings for our vacation. Therefore, we could just read it our of my Bible and keep up and not get even more behind.
Ah...I feel much better!
Saturday, Day 40
I started this day off with some thrifty yardsaling. Ended up with some cool things for myself, Matt and the kids. People were basically giving their stuff away. We scored! I even drove Jenny around in our golf cart while Matt loaded up the van for our trip. By the way, yardsaling in the neighborhood in a golf cart is an awesome way to shop!
We were off towards the mountains by 10:30. Everyone was excited and it looked like it was going to be a beautiful weekend! We stopped when we got to Boone and decided to go the Julian Price Park and hike a little. We got out of the car and it was COLD!! It was cloudy and probably only 64 and windy. Changed everyone into pants and jackets and we hiked a little and topped off the day at the Mast General Store in Valle Crucis. Ethan napped for about 30 minutes on the ride to the cabin and Jonathan napped for about 30 seconds! Needless to say, he was EVIL by 6pm. It didn't take long before it was safer for him to go on to bed, I didn't risk going to jail.
THEN... I realized out of all of the stuff that we packed/crammed into that van, I had forgotten the coffee!! Oh, no... I changed my mind, I want to go home!
We were off towards the mountains by 10:30. Everyone was excited and it looked like it was going to be a beautiful weekend! We stopped when we got to Boone and decided to go the Julian Price Park and hike a little. We got out of the car and it was COLD!! It was cloudy and probably only 64 and windy. Changed everyone into pants and jackets and we hiked a little and topped off the day at the Mast General Store in Valle Crucis. Ethan napped for about 30 minutes on the ride to the cabin and Jonathan napped for about 30 seconds! Needless to say, he was EVIL by 6pm. It didn't take long before it was safer for him to go on to bed, I didn't risk going to jail.
THEN... I realized out of all of the stuff that we packed/crammed into that van, I had forgotten the coffee!! Oh, no... I changed my mind, I want to go home!
Friday, Day 39
Today was my MOPS Tea & Testimony day. sidebar- I know that I am loved, but Affirmation really makes me feel it! And today, I felt loved :) I really have a heart for this MOPS group and the potential that we have to really make a difference within each others lives and hopefully reach out to others too! I am really pouring my effort into making this a great upcoming year and getting all the benefits that we each deserve out of each and every meeting. I have some great ideas and some fabulous women on the leadership team, I see great things happening!!
After the meeting, I was going to take the kids to the park before their 2pm haircut, but it started raining. Instead we walked around an antique shop for 30 minutes and I thought of so many great decorating ideas!! Dangerous place :)
The kids took a great nap and I did... NOTHING for 3 hours. I caught up on 4 episodes of General Hospital and laid on the couch. I deserved it or needed it, one. Either way, I felt better when the kids got up and began being productive again.
We are about to leave for the Mountains tomorrow on our Mini-Vacation. Let's see how the rules apply...
After the meeting, I was going to take the kids to the park before their 2pm haircut, but it started raining. Instead we walked around an antique shop for 30 minutes and I thought of so many great decorating ideas!! Dangerous place :)
The kids took a great nap and I did... NOTHING for 3 hours. I caught up on 4 episodes of General Hospital and laid on the couch. I deserved it or needed it, one. Either way, I felt better when the kids got up and began being productive again.
We are about to leave for the Mountains tomorrow on our Mini-Vacation. Let's see how the rules apply...
Thursday, Day 38
Now I remember... This is what happens when you blog 1 week late, you have to think for a second.
This morning I reflected about how I feel God has changed me through this Challenge within my family and friends. I feel closer to God. I am hearing His words come out f my mouth and realized that they are soaked in the Holy Spirit. I have spoke about God and talked about my relationship and the changes in my life (past and present). I have shared the gospel and discussed hypocrisy within Christianity. I have felt led to share and maybe even speak without being asked about my faith. I truly feel led by God to share my faith and it feels good. I am not anxious or nervous that I will say the wrong thing, like I used to be. I feel confident that god is guiding me in these conversations. I hope that what I have said to friends and family is helpful and plants the seed needed to grow a relationship with the Lord.
Ok, so today was a SUPER play date day. I invited my mother-n-law with my 2 nephews, April and her 2 kids and Jenny and her 4 kids to the pool. Yes that equals 10 kids in the pool. You would think that was way too much in one little kiddy pool, but they did really well. Jenny had these fantastic things called Puddle Jumpers and two kids were with a parent in the big pool at some point during the three hours we were at the pool. PLUS, all the kids behaved really well. So, believe it or not I put those puddle jumpers on my kids and they got in! Jonathan got in!! AND let go!! I am definitely getting these things and going to have a blast this summer.
After our play date the kids were exhausted and took a fantastic nap! I think I cleaned or something. (Apparently I didn't blog...or maybe I was catching up and never got to today) I really have to work on that rule, 10 I think.
Tonight is Matt's late night and I have a going away party tonight. So the kids ate before Matt got home and I had dinner ready for him. I met some friends at the National Whitewater Center. On Thursday night during the summer they have music and lots of people out there relaxing and hanging out. It was nice. I probably stayed out a little too late, but I had the chance to share more about by changing relationship with God, family and friends and my home.
This morning I reflected about how I feel God has changed me through this Challenge within my family and friends. I feel closer to God. I am hearing His words come out f my mouth and realized that they are soaked in the Holy Spirit. I have spoke about God and talked about my relationship and the changes in my life (past and present). I have shared the gospel and discussed hypocrisy within Christianity. I have felt led to share and maybe even speak without being asked about my faith. I truly feel led by God to share my faith and it feels good. I am not anxious or nervous that I will say the wrong thing, like I used to be. I feel confident that god is guiding me in these conversations. I hope that what I have said to friends and family is helpful and plants the seed needed to grow a relationship with the Lord.
Ok, so today was a SUPER play date day. I invited my mother-n-law with my 2 nephews, April and her 2 kids and Jenny and her 4 kids to the pool. Yes that equals 10 kids in the pool. You would think that was way too much in one little kiddy pool, but they did really well. Jenny had these fantastic things called Puddle Jumpers and two kids were with a parent in the big pool at some point during the three hours we were at the pool. PLUS, all the kids behaved really well. So, believe it or not I put those puddle jumpers on my kids and they got in! Jonathan got in!! AND let go!! I am definitely getting these things and going to have a blast this summer.
After our play date the kids were exhausted and took a fantastic nap! I think I cleaned or something. (Apparently I didn't blog...or maybe I was catching up and never got to today) I really have to work on that rule, 10 I think.
Tonight is Matt's late night and I have a going away party tonight. So the kids ate before Matt got home and I had dinner ready for him. I met some friends at the National Whitewater Center. On Thursday night during the summer they have music and lots of people out there relaxing and hanging out. It was nice. I probably stayed out a little too late, but I had the chance to share more about by changing relationship with God, family and friends and my home.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Wednesday, Day 37
Today was another day at my other job.
After Matt got home we took the boys to this Soda Shop in Belmont. It was so sweet to watch the boys play together and enjoy the best cotton candy milkshake.
The rest of the night was rather uneventful. I am SUPER tired from an am rise yesterday of 4:30 and then staying up until 1am with friends. This is about all I can say about today.
Kids were good, kitchen is clean, Bible is read. Good night!
After Matt got home we took the boys to this Soda Shop in Belmont. It was so sweet to watch the boys play together and enjoy the best cotton candy milkshake.
The rest of the night was rather uneventful. I am SUPER tired from an am rise yesterday of 4:30 and then staying up until 1am with friends. This is about all I can say about today.
Kids were good, kitchen is clean, Bible is read. Good night!
Tuesday, Day 36
Today was a day at my other job, followed by an evening with my boys. Tuesdays are great, because Matt usually fixes dinner. Mmm... grilled salmon and veggies :)
After my wonderful dinner with all of my boys, my MOPS Steering team (or most of them) came over for our last meeting of the year. Snacks, drinks and great company. Quickly followed by intense girlfriend talk. I tell you what, I am so thankful for such wonderful Godly woman. I truly believe that God has placed me in the part of my life, around these women. I am supported spiritually, mentally and emotionally by women who are going through the same things everyday that I am. I feel like each time we are together, if it is a meeting, MNO or just poolside with kids, God is using these women to mold my life into what He wants it to be.
This challenge is making me a better mother, wife and daughter of God. I could feel the Holy Spirit inside of me tonight. Guiding my words while trying to help a friend in need. My hand was held while I tried to help her through a time when I know the Jesus is carrying her. I am feeling God's presents in my life more and more everyday. I truly feel a change and I am thankful.
thanks ladies!
After my wonderful dinner with all of my boys, my MOPS Steering team (or most of them) came over for our last meeting of the year. Snacks, drinks and great company. Quickly followed by intense girlfriend talk. I tell you what, I am so thankful for such wonderful Godly woman. I truly believe that God has placed me in the part of my life, around these women. I am supported spiritually, mentally and emotionally by women who are going through the same things everyday that I am. I feel like each time we are together, if it is a meeting, MNO or just poolside with kids, God is using these women to mold my life into what He wants it to be.
This challenge is making me a better mother, wife and daughter of God. I could feel the Holy Spirit inside of me tonight. Guiding my words while trying to help a friend in need. My hand was held while I tried to help her through a time when I know the Jesus is carrying her. I am feeling God's presents in my life more and more everyday. I truly feel a change and I am thankful.
thanks ladies!
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