Both of these days were work days at my "other" job. When I got home from work on Tuesday, Matt surprised me with this beautiful antique dining room hutch that I love! He had a Daddy Day with the boys all day and they decided to go antique shopping. Somehow, I have convinced my kids that it is fun to go yardsaling and antique shopping. I am really smart and I better enjoy this before they figure out that it isn't that much fun for them. Tuesday night we went to the pool after I got home. Somehow, we are making the very most off of not having any money and running out of groceries. It is interesting to say the least.
Wednesday I ran around like a chicken with it's head cut off at the hospital and then finished off my day with an Ultrasound of my thyroid. That sucked! It was uncomfortable and basically laying upside down for 20 minutes, gave me an awful headache! When the nice girl was doing the ultrasound she started asking me questions that got my mind racing. It was probably a simple question she asks all of her patients who are getting their thyroid scanned, but somehow it started to worry me. The pesky devil on my shoulder was making me worry! I don't worry!! I started thinking that she must be asking me these questions because she sees something worrisome. I actually had to close my eyes and pray for God to help me let go and give it all to Him. Even after I prayed, I continued to repeat, " I am giving this to you, Jesus" over and over until I actually felt better. It is crazy sometimes how the devil can creep in and use your thoughts when you are most vulnerable.
Wednesday when I got home, I was so exhausted, just thinking about how much I needed to do in the next three days made me want to take a nap. Plus, the headache was killing me! I just shut down.
I laid down on the couch and the kids ran wild until Matt got home. There was no dinner, crazy hungry kids running around and I was just laying on the couch. I didn't read my Bible or pray before bed, I just went to bed. I felt horrible and can't wait to wake up to a better day tomorrow.
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