Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 8

Today was a huge improvement from yesterday!

Not just because I was at my other job and I couldn't hear my whining, fighting kids, but because it started off better.  I was able to go to my non-imaginary friend, Jenny's house last night and have some much needed girl talk/fellowship/"wine"ing of our own.  I was able to share and compare victories and struggles from my last 7 days of this Challenge.  It is crazy to know that I am struggling with some of the same things she was at this point in her Challenge.  It was a MUCH need escape from my attempt at order at my house.

Plus, I was able to really see her transformation in person.  I am so proud of the huge change that she has created within her home.  It was clean and peaceful and she seemed relaxed and "Ahaaa..."  If you know what I mean.

When I got home at 11:35, I made sure the kitchen was cleaned (which it basically was) and did some coffee prep for the morning.  That started me day just right.  I had creamer, therefore I had coffee!

Overall the day was nice.  Matt made dinner, the kitchen was easy to clean tonight and the kids behaved well enough.  I would consider today a victory...