Thursday, May 31, 2012

Saturday, Day 33

So I have decided that the weekends during the summer are going to totally through our family off schedule.  As long as I am ok with no schedule and possibly cranky kids we will be alright.

Today, Matt worked 1/2 day.  I decided as soon as we got up for the morning that we were going to go yardsaling.  I talked the kids into the experience and off we went at 7:30.  We weren't really sure where to start, so we just drove around Mt. Holly looking for signs.  After about 20 minutes and turning around, we found one.  The kids did great!  We all walked around and looked at mostly "junk" at the first two places we went.  The kids didn't touch much and even fund a few books for Jonathan.  I decided after about 45 minutes that I should have called my non-imaginary friend, Jenny.  She is a Professional Yardsaler.  So, I did and she was on the same page, already in the car with coffee in hand.  We met up and had the best time.  We eventually just left the kids in the vans watching a movie and each took turns watching kids while the other quickly shopped.  I did alright.  Got  5 books for the boys, a toy dump truck for outside, 100 piece puzzle and some picture frames for me to re purpose.  Only spent $8!!  Jenny, she got Halloween outfits, 2 bikes, clothes, candlesticks...  She Killed it!!  I have a lot to learn, but we had fun bonding over sales and the kids got to watch a movie.  Everyone was happy.

Afterwards Matt came home and we went to my other favorite person, April's house for a cookout.  the boys got to play in the kiddy pool and slip-n-slide and we ate the best BBQ!  Although we were about to melt, we had fun! 

What a PACKED day!  No one took a nap, but they went to be early and Matt and I got to spend some much needed alone time together.  We were able to catch up on a little Bible reading and even get really confused with the book of Hebrews.  It was a fantastic day and everyone was happy!

I need more days like today :)

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I keep wanting to "Like" all your posts until I realize there is no like button!! haha.