Thursday, May 24, 2012

Tuesday, Day 29

Somehow I got the funk today.  You know the "can't get the blah attitude" off your face, funk today.

Maybe it was because Ethan woke up at 5:45 not feeling well and proceeded to try and vomit as well as flop around for 4 hours. He definitely wasn't himself.  He actually fell asleep in the middle of the living room floor at 8:15 am while Jonathan was playing in the same room.  NOT NORMAL.  It wasn't till he almost puked that we realized that maybe he had some sort of stomach bug.  After nap he was up and going full speed.  Not sure what all that was about, but thankfully it pasted without much effort.  Just a lot of laying around and watching cartoons.  Thankfully Matt was home and he played with Jonathan and kept him company while I played nurse for Ethan.

I was productive with cleaning today too.  I guess since I needed to put away the new glasses I got from Matt's Grandmother's house, I got the CLEANING FRENZY BUG.  Watch out!  I washed the glasses, then proceeded to clean the cabinet where the glasses would be placed too.  I mean take everything out and wipe down the bottom of the cabinet clean!  Then I moved on the the cabinet with kids dishes.

Don't know where that came from, but at least two of my cabinets are really clean now.  Somehow my floors in the kitchen only got swept and not mopped.  Actually, I had a great reason.  It seems counter productive to sweep and mop when the kids are outside the door waiting to run in on my clean floors!  Eventually it will be done, but not now.

Somehow my cleaning frenzy continued all day.  I could not stop.  I vacuumed the entire house, did 4.5 loads of laundry and put all the clothes away.  Emptied and loaded dishwasher, organized the kids toys downstairs and up.  Including rearranging the playroom downstairs.  The kids stay entertained with toys and naps while I washed two of the windows in the living room.  WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME??

Needless to say, I was exhausted by the end of the day and my house looked nice.  Matt even took Jonathan with him to the store for groceries while Ethan was asleep.  We got so much accomplished today.  It wasn't a fun family day, but a productive one.  Fun day will be on Thursday :)

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