Friday, May 25, 2012

Thursday, Day 31

Today was full of interesting things.

I took the boys to Plaza Fiesta with a couple other MOPS moms and their kids.  They had lots of fun and it was cute to watch them play with their friends.

Plus, we met a really nice woman named Kelly, who told us about her MOPS group in Huntersville.  I think Kim, Jenny and I learned some new ideas for next year.  It really opened my eyes to some things that can improve and make it even better for next year.

I got really pumped!  So I spent the entire nap time researching on the MOPS website.  I was full of ideas when Matt got home.  We had a nice little dinner and I was off to Jenny's house.

I really enjoyed all 4 hours of wine and girl talk therapy.  We talked about some leadership boosting, ideas for Steering next year, homeschooling thoughts and our Order Challenge.  Every time I talk to my Challenge Buddy, I feel lifted up.   Plus, she has a way of convincing you to do just about anything.  Somehow she talked me into being the Coordinator for MOPS next year.  then she encouraged me to strengthen my relationship with Christ through prayer and reading the Bible.  She motivated me to want to be a better wife, mother and daughter of Christ starting with this Challenge.  She almost convinced me that I could actually home school my kids last night.  She is so grounded in her relationship with Christ.  She is a spiritual leader, a great mother and a wonderful friend.  I am so blessed to have her in my life. 

I was lifted up after my recent motivational meeting with Jenny.  Maybe that will carry me and encourage me to stay strong with this challenge.

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