Friday, May 11, 2012

Wednesday, Day 16

Today was an awful day at my "other"job, but coming home to a quiet house and sitting on my couch alone for an hour was MUCH needed!

But it got better when my sweet little boys woke with huge smiles and said "I missed you mommy!"  I love being a mom!!  Why sometimes do I take for granted all the snuggles, "I love you"s, kissing boo boos, reading books to them and pushing them on the swing.  Why do I ever say, hang on...

Because being a mom is hard and not always fun!  But no matter how hard my day has been, when I lay down in my bed at night and all is quiet, I usually remember the highlights of the day as being positive overall.  Sometimes, I even walk into Jonathan's room (not Ethan's room, his door is closed and squeaky) after he is asleep and he looks so sweet.  I kiss him and thank God for him.  He is so sweet when he is sleeping.  He is not pushing his brother, he isn't fighting, he isn't asking why, he isn't not listening to me.  He is so quiet and peaceful.  It is all I can do not to crawl into his bed and snuggle him, wake him up and tell him how much I love him.  This is my moment during the day, when God shows me so clearly why I should be thankful for all of the other things that come with being a mom.  You can't have these wonderful moments without having the crummy ones too!

I am going to really make an effort to cherish every moment of each day.  At the end of each day, even if it has been awful, you can't re-do that day.  I just look to Jesus and thank him for giving me a day with my boys and my husband.

Hopefully, this challenge will not just strengthen my relationship with God, organize and clean my house, it will make me a better mother and really THANKFUL and proud of what I do, EVERYDAY!

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