Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thursday, day 24

I am totally crapping out on my rule about journaling on time.  I hate to jouranl at night after the kids go to bed, because that is usually the first moment of quiet time I have with Matt all day.  So my partner in the challenge, Jenny, suggested that I blog during naptime about the day so far and then finish tomorrow.  Wow, that is a good idea.  Thank goodness, I don't have an imaginary friend :)

So this is today, so far:
Drank 2 cups of coffee, before they got cold!  Victory #1
House is relatively clean, I even emptied and filled dishwasher before leaving to go to the
Pool with friends and bunches of kids. Since no one drowned... Victory #2
Kids are down for their nap.  Victory #3

Time to recharge...

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